Sunday, November 28, 2010

good vs evil

I love the gospel. Its a fact. However, church with two babies makes me want to pull my hair out. Bless those people with more and many more than two children who bring them to church each week!

Today was a rare day we got to church on time and sat on a pew instead of in the overflow area on folding chairs. Oh of course Dane is fussy so I take him out a couple of times, on the walk of shame to the foyer, with Brynne yelling no Momma and throwing a fit trying to follow (because she is impossible at nap time.) Awkward!

Then I get to Primary where I am currently the secretary (well actually second councilor now) and I hear Brynne screaming in the hall. I go out and find her poor nursery leader caring Brynne who is soaked from her head to her toes because of a diaper malfunction (Danes size 2 diaper instead of her regular size 4.)

So I go back into primary and find a innocent bystander to watch Dane while I go interrupt the Gospel Essentials class (Also awkward) that Taylor teaches holding a screaming pee soaked child to get the car key so I can change her. Then the innocent bystander is stuck with a Dane who has decided that if someone is holding him, its necessary they stand or he will scream.

Meanwhile the 1st councilor is trying to deal with the secretary jobs of assigning talks, passing out the rolls etc, that by the way I didn't have organized yet! Thanks goodness for people willing to help!

This day went on and on......and on. Anyways I could keep going, but I will stop complaining in hopes that I am not alone in my case of church anxiety!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fall Family Pictures

We just got back our family pictures, and these are some of my favorites! My only regret was that the only pair of matching shoes I could find of Brynne's when it was time to leave were neon purple...oh well!

Friday, November 12, 2010


I have a tendency to call Dane my Angel boy!

Brynne has picked up on calling him Angel boy too.

Maybe because he usually sleeps through the night, stops crying when someone picks him up, or gives me the biggest smile when he see's me or hears my voice, has the most adorable curls,blue eyes and chubby cheeks! Or maybe it's because he stays in one spot, doesn't make a mess, and never says the word "no", and isnt currently trying to break open the finger nail polish. Haha! I love both my babies, but at the moment Dane gets the "Angel" title :)
We went to Zions last week with Kirk and Dynelle, and Brenna and Joe! We had a fabulous time, the girls had so much fun playing and tormenting each other!
It was absolutely perfect hiking weather, with beautiful (and dangerous for six kids 2 and under) views.

It took us about 2 1/2 hours to do this 1 mile hike with all the kids!

What good Dads!

I had so much fun hanging out with my friends! I realized Brenna and I have been friends for about 22 years now, and Dynelle and I for about 12 years!

I forgot to bring the memory card for our camera, so if these pictures look familiar its because I stole them from Dynelles blog!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

The first house of the night!
My little bee!
Taylor and Alex about to take the Kids out to face the rain!
What troupers!
They were the cutest yodeler/giraffe combo.

Yes, Kenny IS wearing a hot pink leotard.