Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas 2011

We made a bon fire in our backyard and roasted hot sorry Brynne is hitting you in the face Andrea haha.
Dane must be a boy because he was especially fascinated with the fire.
We made some awesome gingerbread houses, Brynne had fun sneaking the candy any chance she got.

The finished products!
Dane helping with the houses...or just eating some marshmallows.
Taylor had to work on Christmas day so Santa didn't make it to our house until he got home about 3:30. It was kinda fun waiting because Christmas lasted the whole day. We went to Church wich was great because I usually go to church by myself because Taylor works, I didn't have to leave sacrament meeting once, but my dad had to go out twice with Dane, Kenny once with Dane, and Andrea once to take Brynne to the bathroom...can they come with me every week?! We didnt end up having dinner until 8:00, but it was amazing, we had bbq tri-tip, funeral potatoes, my dads rolls, salad, and carrot pudding that I tried to learn to make this year.

Dane started getting the hang of present opening after a few presents and was loving it, by FAR his favorite part was eating as many candy canes as possible.
The kids loved having all the attention from both of their grandmas and grandpas!
Brynnes Bike she had been wanting for months! We actually found this at D.I. and cleaned it up, painted it, and put on the training wheels. Dane didn't know what to think of Mr. Potato head at first, but now he loves him.

Notice Brynnes wardrobe change..
Who said boys don't like getting clothes for Christmas, he was actually really happy with the shirts he got.
We went swimming one night over Christmas break, both kids are such fish and would swim everyday if they could.
We were pet sitters for my uncles bunny and beagle, it was really fun the kids loved them. Dane adored the dog and would chase it around barking, it was pretty cute!

Andreas Birthday party, we also went to Aurlisas birthday party.

We were going to go skiing but there wasnt any snow, so we got a babysitter and went to a place called jump on it, a big building full of trampolines and a climbing wall, we had so much fun just playing with out any kids, it was a blast and we were all sore the next day. We also went to mission impossible four, it was really good.

I really missed my little brothers this year, but we got to skype with Chad for about 3 hours, and we got to talk to Todd a few times.

Anyways we had a blast being able to spend so much time with our families, it was a great Christmas!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My Ballerina

I love these pictures
Taylor took of Brynne.
This is what she does for
50% of the day. She
loves being a Ballerina!
We signed her up for a
ballet class that starts next
week and she talks about it
all the time!
She has been watching
Angelina ballerina episodes
on netflix and I am actually
pretty impressed with
her skills!
She is especially good
at spinning around and
around. Her favorite
music to dance to is
"I like to move it move it"

Best D.I. find ever!!
We sure love this energetic
gorgeous, fun, sweet,