Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Brynne got a new outfit for her one month birthday, she looks so cute...poor thing has broken out in a little baby acne..anyone have tips for this???

Brenna and Joe's cute baby Emma Jade at Kirstens birthday party

Today Dynelle and Kirk's daughter Kirsten turned 1! What a cutie!

Brenna and Jade, me and Brynne, Dynelle and Kirsten! I feel so blessed to have these girls in my life, they have been such great friends over the years and have been there when I have needed them the most! It is so great to beable to get out of the house and talk to other adults! Thanks for everything, love you guys!

This is the best we could do!

The other day Brenna and I went to Chalices to see her new sweet baby, she is gorgeous!

Chalice and Addison. Addison is only a few weeks younger than Brynne, but it is amazing to see how much bigger Brynne is, they grow so fast!


megs said...

Um, yeah both of my girls had baby acne right around this time--right when you want to bless them and get pictures! I would say just make sure you keep her face clean, wash it maybe once a day with a cottonball, but don't dry out her skin. Cute pics. Luv ya!

Andrea said...

I asked my sister about the "baby acne" and she said the doctor told her to switch the baby wash. So she went from Johnson's to Aveeno and my niece was acne-free!! :) I miss you! Eloy and I are taking a road trip to Utah early summer. I want/need to see you. :) Oh... and I have to call you later.. Love ya! Give the baby a hug for me.

Brett and Amanda said...

BABYGAP! i recognize that dress. in fact i almost bought it the other day.
also, just sent you a gap friends and family coupon email. so baby brynne can continue to dress so stylishly haha.

Kirk and Dynelle said...

Umm I agree about the friends thing, being a SAM has been a lot more fun since you and Brenna have had babies. And I think you and Brynne should come back next week and lets paint toenails...I'll need another person to hold Kirsten down so we can get hers!
And you look gorgeous! in that picture with Chalice!

dani said...

i love her little moccasin boots! she is so adorable:)

kali said...

Brynne is SO BEAUTIFUL!! And you look amazing! Landon had baby acne at that age too. Baby Aveeno does wonders. :)

Dione said...

Thanks guys, I will try the baby aveeno! Thanks for the coupon Amanda, I will use it for sure!