Then we hit quite the snow storm on Donner pass and didnt slide off the road, Easter trip miracle #2. Then we were about 2 miles away from my parents house when we got a extremely flat tire at 4:00 a.m. Easter trip miracle #3 my dad was able to come save us and help change the tire.
We had a great time in CA! We went to the park, went to the Oakland Zoo, had easter egg hunts, ate alot of halibut from my dads fishing trip, visited the Broughton side in Lodi, had a BBQ, Brynne got to have her first sleep over with her cousins at Erica and Riley's house, we played Tennis, and most important to Brynne fed the Chickens.
On our drive home Easter trip miracle #4 happened. I left my wallet on top of the van (heaven help Taylor and I when we are old) the next day I got a text from a random number staying there ex-sister in law had found my wallet! Apparently this sister in law found my wallet and saw that I was mormon because of my temple reccomend, and called her sister who lived in Sandy. Apperntly she thought that because I lived in Utah and was mormon her sister in law might know me...cute! So the sister in law looked me up on Facebook and saw he had a friend in common. So she called my friend I used to work with at TGPD and got my number, and then I text her my address and my wallet came in the mail yesterday obviously run over but with all my cards. Easter trip miracle #5 I had taken most of the cash out and given it to andrea to hold for gas right before I left it. Easter trip miracle #6 that Kenny and Andrea (Andra) helped me out SOOOO much on that trip, I could have never done it by myself! Thanks so much guys, we will miss you while your selling for the summer!